The church of Christ 


At Granby, MO

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Go Into All The World

Just before he ascended back to heaven, Jesus had one final instruction to impart to his disciples. He gave them his plan for spreading the gospel, good news, and making more disciples. This Final instruction, which Jesus gave his disciples before leaving earth and returning to heaven, is what is commonly called the Great Commission.

The text for our lesson today is Matthew 28:16-20.

Bobby Stafford

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Sowing & Reaping 2 Corinthians 9:6, Galatians 6:7-9

Today is the father of tomorrow. What we are today is the result of what we have been thinking and the way we have lived in the past.  The nation of Israel had to learn this in a very personal way, Judges 2: 1-4.  They failed to follow God's instructions and suffered the consequences. The Lord gives principles in scripture which serve as both warnings and encouragements, Galatians 6:7. This law is true in every area of life. When God created this world, he made it to operate according to certain rules, Genesis 8: 22.  While this verse discusses agriculture, this law applies universally.

Bobby Stafford

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Take Up His Cross

Being a faithful disciple of our Lord doesn't just happen. We must first count cost of following Christ and then follow through with a lifelong commitment period it is this very thing that Jesus addresses in our text.

Text: Matthew 16:21-27

Bobby Stafford

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Why I Should Become A Christian

In becoming a Christian, a person must make a deliberate choice. So why should you make this choice?

Bobby Stafford

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The Woman At The Well John 4:1-42

Alan Webster once wrote a tract on the account of the woman at the well as it relates to evangelism, and I want to take this morning and this evening and take a look at this text with you. We are concentrating on having a greater outward focus, and who better to show us how than Jesus, himself. Jesus illustrates numerous principles in his encounter with the woman at the well that will aid us in talking to our neighbors about Jesus. Consider and implement these points.

Bobby Stafford

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Feeding The Five Thousand

Become more like Christ. What can we learn about Him from this account?

Bobby Stafford

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A Look Ahead

2012 is drawing to a close and 2013 is knocking at our door.  We are one year closer to leaving this earthly realm.  Before we start thinking about the future, let us ask ourselves two very important questions.    Have I drawn closer to God through His Word and prayer?  (James 4:8)  Have I set a good example to the world?  (Matthew 5:13-16)

As we look ahead and make plans for the coming year, let us be like the emu and the kangaroo.  Neither can move backward.  The emu has three toes on the front of its foot.  If it tries to go backward, it falls down.  The kangaroo’s long heavy tail prevents it from going backward.  Let us look ahead and make plans; set goals for us as the Lord’s church in Granby.  Goals help to give us direction and purpose.  Proverbs 2:5 tells us, “The plans of the diligent lead surely to abundance. . .”  Keep this saying in mind as we move through this lesson, “The best way to predict the future is to create it.”

Bobby Stafford


7 Principles of Personal Evangelism

I believe most Christians truly want to share the gospel of Christ with others but are afraid or feel uncomfortable doing so.  By looking at how Jesus, the Master Teacher, engaged in personal evangelism, we can follow His example.

Text:  John 4:1-26

Bobby Stafford

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Seeking The Lost

Most of us are very concerned when we lose something that we consider valuable.  We will exert time and energy in an effort to locate it.  Finding it is an occasion to rejoice.

Jesus, throughout his time on earth, was concerned for the lost. He knew the value of a soul and would eventually give up His life for the souls of mankind.  But not everyone possessed the compassion for the lost that He did.  This is where our story begins. 

Among those waiting to hear Jesus were tax collectors and sinners.  Tax collectors were despised by many of the Jews and were considered “outcasts.”  “Sinners” would have included even harlots.  The Pharisees [strictest sect of the Jews] and the scribes [copyists of the Law] grumbled [complained] that Jesus welcomed these outcasts.  They were insinuating that Jesus must be a sinner, too.  So Jesus told three stories to illustrate how precious even one soul is and that Jehovah doesn’t even want one to be lost.  Today we will look at two of them.

Bobby Stafford


Sowing & Reaping

We know from experience that if we sow corn seed, we will reap corn, not wheat.  We also know that if we plant one corn seed, we won’t grow forty acres of corn.  We do truly reap what we sow.

Read Galatians 6:7.  “Do not be deceived, God is not mocked; for whatever a man sows, that he will also reap.”  NKJV No truer words were ever spoken.  This is an unchangeable law of God.  By examining this verse in detail, we can harvest some very useful lessons.

Bobby Stafford


Phillip – A Soul Winner

When God sent orders to Philip to leave Samaria and go down the road that led from Jerusalem unto Gaza, Philip was obedient.  (Acts 8:26-27)  The Bible says, “He arose and went.”  Philip obeyed God without question.  If we are going to be effective soul winners like Philip, we, too, must be submissive.  We must, at all times and at all cost, be willing to do what “God wants us to do; and not what we want to do.  However, at times this is very difficult for many of us.

Philip had great success in Samaria preaching the gospel.  (Acts 8:6. 25)

Yet, when he was commanded to leave, even though it may have sounded somewhat strange and irrational; he obeyed.  He was a man who knew God’s way was best.

Bobby Stafford


Philip The Personal Worker

How can I teach my neighbor about Christ?  What should I say to my friend about salvation?  These are important and vital questions for which we need to find an answer.  Philip is an excellent example of how to approach and teach people the truth of the gospel.  Read Acts 8:4-8.  Philip had success in preaching the word in Samaria.  But God called him away to teach one honest soul about the Lord. (Acts 8:26-27)  From this encounter we can learn many things about our own efforts at teaching the lost. 

  Bobby Stafford 


Those Who Have Never Heard The Gospel

Who will be lost forever in a devil’s hell?  Many would say only people like Hitler or serial killers or others like them.  One conversation I had with a person of a different religious faith said that there would be less than ten!  But what does the Bible teach?

  Bobby Stafford 


The Life of A Soul Winner

“The fruit of the righteous is a tree of life; and he who wins souls is wise.”  (Proverbs 11:20)   “Those who are wise shall shine like the brightness of the firmament, and those who turn many to righteousness like the stars forever and ever.”  (Daniel 12:3, II Timothy 2:2)  If I’ve been saved, I ought to be engaged in the work of saving others. It is not an option! How I go about it (method) is an option.   
Examples:  Door-knockers, invitations to services, literature distribution, home-Bible studies, use of films or VCR tapes, internet. . . Since all of us are to be in some way soul-winners, we need to ask, “What kind of a person is the Lord’s soul-winner?” 

Text:  Psalms 119:25-32 

   Bobby Stafford 


Open Up A Door

Bobby Stafford


We Are Not In Kansas Anymore 2

Text:  Acts 17: 22-25 

II.   A Knowledge of the Culture   (Verses 22-23

III.   A Commitment to the Truth   (Verses 24-29

Bobby Stafford  


Not In Kansas Anymore

From USA Today, Tuesday, September 13, 2011:  “More Americans tailoring religion to fit their needs.”  The article says new research indicates that one day 310 million people might have 310 million religions.  It further states that people are making up God as they go. 

From the New York Times, a lament from columnist David Brooks on the findings from the recently released research led by Christian Smith in the book Lost in Transition, the third in a series of reports from the largest study of its kind on American youth.  Result?  The almost complete inability to think and talk about moral issues.  After rape and murder, they had a hard time even thinking what else might fall into the “moral” category, much less what might be immoral.  Their default position?  Moral choices are just a matter of individual taste.  “It’s personal,” the respondents typically said.  “It’s up to the individual.  Who am I to say?”  Another typical response.  “I would do what I thought made me happy or how I felt.  I have no other way of knowing what to do but how I internally feel.” 

These two articles impress upon us the fact that we have moved from an Acts 2 cultural context to an Acts 17 cultural context.  Or as Dorothy discovered, “We’re not in Kansas anymore.” 

So what is the context of Acts 2?  Peter and the apostles are addressing devout Jews who have journeyed to Jerusalem to observe the Feast of Pentecost.  The audience believed in Jehovah, the creation, the inspired Scriptures, and prophecy, especially about the coming of the Messiah.   

Bobby Stafford   


Why Personal Evangelism

Personal evangelism:  “One person talking to another person about his need for the salvation found only in Jesus Christ, with the purpose of bringing him to a decision.”  With that definition in mind, any Christian concerned about the souls of others can do it.  Note Paul’s great concern in Romans 9:1-3.  Talking with a friend or co-worker can be done any day of the week, any time of the day, and in any place.  It can be done in places like a living room, office, factory, school, or even a jail.  Most people who become Christians do so because of a friend or a relative (79%).  Your efforts are vital to the cause of Christ.

Bobby Stafford 


Living and Powerful

Bobby Stafford


The Great Commission

Matthew 28:18-20
We see a parallel command from Jesus in Mark 16:15-17

These two passages and Luke 24:46-47 combined make up what we today sometimes refer to as the 'Great Commission'.  Matthew, Mark and Luke have this as the last recorded commandment Jesus gave prior to His ascension back to heaven.  There are a lot of things in the words of Jesus here that are significant to our lives as Christians.  Jesus had completed His earthly ministry, had been rejected by His own people.  He had been crucified and had arisen from the dead and had spent the last forty days or so appearing to those who were believers in Him and speaking to them of the things pertaining to the kingdom of God. 

Jesus was done teaching on the earth.  It was time now for Him to return to Heaven and rule over the coming kingdom of God which was due to be revealed in about 10 days.  The scriptures do not record any long parting speeches.  There is no record of any long and tearful goodbyes.  There is no evidence of any long discourses between Jesus and those whom He had been His constant companions for the past three years or so. 

David Hersey


The Fields Are White

Bobby Stafford


Why Christians Don't Teach Others the Gospel

Bobby Stafford

Acts 17 and the Word of God

Bobby Stafford

The Harvest

Bobby Stafford

Just Do It

Pat Cowden

Open Up A Door

Bobby Stafford

Teaching By Personal Example

Don Cope

Teaching the Lost

Bobby Stafford

The Unknown God

Bobby Stafford

Go Teach

Don Cope

The Gospel to the Poor

Bobby Stafford

Church Growth 1

Bobby Stafford

Church Growth 2

Bobby Stafford


Library of church of Christ Sermons and Outlines

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

What Does the church of Christ Teach?

The church of Christ on Social Media


The Sermons, Sermon Outlines, Bulletin Articles and Bible Studies published in this website are from sound members of the church of Christ and are free to everyone.  We feel the price was paid when Jesus died on the cross.   Please feel free to use any of the content found within this website for the spreading of the Gospel to all. 

Matt 11:28-29
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

The church of Christ in Granby Missouri

516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

Email: Bobby Stafford
Email: David Hersey