Granby church of Christ
Sermon Outlines

Perilous Times Shall Come


Perilous Times Shall Come

Source:  Spiritual Sword, April, 2013, Mike Hixson


Paul knew the difficulties that Timothy, his “son in the faith,” would experience as a gospel preacher.  So he told him to “be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.”   (II Timothy 2:1)

While the apostle was in prison and facing death, he warned Timothy that perilous times will come.   (II Timothy 3:1)  “Perilous” means difficult, stressful, and even fierce.   Timothy needed to brace himself for tough times ahead.  Upholding the truth and standing for the right would bring opposition and suffering.

So, what would these perilous times look like?

Body:  Characteristics of Perilous Times

·         Lovers of self                                                                                             
Those concerned only about themselves; having little or no concern for anyone else.   (
Judges 21:25)  Selfish, self-absorbed people have little interest in the Lord.  Disciples are to be selfless.   (Matthew 16:24-25)

·         Lovers of money                                                                                         
This is what kept the rich young ruler from following God.  He trusted money more than God.  Materialism can bring many problems.  In the movie, Wall Street, “Greed is good.”

·         Boastful                                                                                                        
He is an empty pretender who exaggerates his own importance.  Those who did not acknowledge God were characterized as “boastful.”    (
Romans 1:30)

·         Arrogant                                                                                                  
This is a proud one who thinks highly of himself and looks down on others.  Diotrephes, who loves to have the preeminence among them, is mentioned in
III John :9.

·         Blasphemers                                                                                         
Revilers or slanderers malign the name of God and the good name of others.  They make false accusations.

·         Disobedient to Parents                                                                      
Obedience is commanded.   (
Ephesians 6:1-3)  Many are disrespectful of all adults.

·         Ungrateful                                                                                               
Those who are not thankful for anything.   (
Luke 17:11-19)  Only one  leper who was healed returned to thank Jesus.  Many believe they are owed good things.  [“gimme” attitude]

·         Unholy                                                                                                        
Those who do not respect the sacred; they are “anti-God.”  America has lost respect for God and His Word.   (
Proverbs 14:34)

·         Unloving                                                                                               
The heartless are without affection or concern especially in a family situation.  Examples:  Abortions or leaving newborns in dumpsters

·         Unforgiving                                                                                              
They refuse to reconcile under any circumstances; always hostile.    (
Ephesians 4:32)  Forgiveness is mandated.  The marriage covenant is enhanced by a forgiving heart.

·         Slanderer                                                                                                 
False accusers or verbal assassins are not concerned about the truth.  Malicious gossip can destroy lives.

·         Without Self control                                                                                    
They give in to every temptation and let desires go unchecked.  They do whatever they feel like, having no inhibitions or no shame.   (
Jude :16)

·         Brutal                                                                                                      
Those who are savage, fierce, having no restraint are cruel, unfeeling,  and merciless to others. Society exhibits this behavior; just watch the nightly news.

·         Haters of good                                                                                                
They oppose good people and good things.   (
John 3:19-20)  Christianity is becoming public enemy number one.  The irony is that the Bible and Christian principles helped to make this country great.

·         Treacherous                                                                                            
They are willing to betray another individual’s trust to advance their own cause.  Judas is an example of one who betrays an oath or turns on a friend.

·         Reckless                                                                                                                                                          
They are headstrong, rash, and do not think before speaking or acting.   A reckless person does not consider the consequences or consider the feelings of other people.    (
Proverbs 13:3)

·         Haughty                                                                                             
They are conceited, puffed up with pride.   (
Proverbs 16:18. I Timothy 6:3-4)             No one can tell them anything for they think they know it all.

·         Lovers of pleasure                                                                                       
For many in our society, everything takes a backseat to personal pleasure.     (
Luke 8:14)

·         Have a form of godliness                                                                              
They have an outward show or façade.   (
Titus 1:16)  They masquerade as someone who is religious, spiritual.   (Matthew 23:28)


Do not be friends with such people!  Turn away and do not associate with them.  Paul’s admonition is very relevant to us today.  The only association would be to reprove and rebuke them.   (Romans 16:17-18)

Bobby Stafford                                                                                                   

April 21, 2013 


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Matt 11:28-29
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

The church of Christ in Granby Missouri

516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

Email: Bobby Stafford
Email: David Hersey