The church of Christ 


At Granby, MO

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Granby church of Christ
Sermon Outlines

By What Authority

By What Authority


Jesus enters Jerusalem during the last week before his death. He cleanses the temple, heals the blind and the lame, and causes the fig tree to wither. While He was in the temple, the Jewish leaders asked him two questions. Question #1: What authority did he have to do these things? Question #2: who gave him that authority? Jesus replied, clarifying that there are only two possible sources for our religious practices: God or man. There are no other possibilities. sermon text Matthew 21: 23-27


1.  False standards of religious authority (man's)

·  Our conscience: Some people claim this as their authority. Acts 23:1. Notice what he says in Acts 26:9. Yet he was wrong? Our conscience is not a safe standard for our religious practices.

·  Our feelings: Matthew 7: 21-23. These people were thoroughly convinced that they were saved during their lifetime on Earth. They felt saved. Yet they were not! Note Proverbs 16: 25;  “seems”—feels.

Feelings are good in and of themselves, but they are not a safe standard for what we do in religion. Never rely upon them!

·  Man-made traditions: Matthew 15: 7-9. Uninspired men can be wrong! One of the main reasons for the existence of denominations is that they have followed men, not God. Do not put your hope in them.

2.  The  chain of authority

·  ultimate authority rests with the godhead. Why? Because we received our very existence from him.

·  Jesus Christ has been given all authority in heaven and on earth. Matthew 28: 18, 1 Corinthians 15: 25, 28.

·  Jesus Christ delegated authority to his apostles. He told Peter, and other apostles that whatever they bind on earth shall have already been bound in heaven, or whatever they loose on earth shall have already been loosed in heaven; Matthew 16: 19. This authority extended to the inspired prophets of the 1st century as well; Ephesians 3: 3-5.

·  Since the inspired writers wrote what God gave them to write, the scriptures themselves are authoritative because they are the very words of God: John 17: 8, 1 Thessalonians 2: 93, 2 Timothy 3: 16.

3.  God's law of authority

·  God has made it clear that concerning matters of religion, he never accepts anything merely on the basis of human authority. Colossians 3: 17, “in the name of the Lord” Means by His authority or power. Acts 4: 7-10.

·  We are to walk by faith. 2nd Corinthians 5: 7 period since faith comes from the word of God, Romans 10: 17. We are to live according to the word. Therefore, where there is no word of God, there can be no faith. Since without faith, it is impossible to please God, Hebrews 11: 6. Then we must have a “thus sayeth God” Hebrews 11: 6. Then we must have a thus sayeth the lord to have God’s approval.

·  To do anything as a religious act based solely on man's authority is to sin and stand condemned before God.  Two John 9, goes beyond, goes too far, separated from god. These are serious matters!


  Nadab and Abihu, sons of Aaron, offered strange, unauthorized fire that God had not approved for them to use. The result for them was death. Each of us must be very sure what we practice in our religion has been authorized by God.


Bobby Stafford 

The church of Christ at Granby





Library of church of Christ Sermons and Outlines

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

What Does the church of Christ Teach?

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The Sermons, Sermon Outlines, Bulletin Articles and Bible Studies published in this website are from sound members of the church of Christ and are free to everyone.  We feel the price was paid when Jesus died on the cross.   Please feel free to use any of the content found within this website for the spreading of the Gospel to all. 

Matt 11:28-29
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

The church of Christ in Granby Missouri

516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

Email: Bobby Stafford
Email: David Hersey