Granby church of Christ
Sermon Outlines and Lessons

for 2013


Sermon Outline /Lesson Title


Bobby Stafford

December 29,  2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Dealing With Disappointment
No matter who you are, you have experienced disappointment at some time in your life. Maybe it was a job you didn’t get, a relationship that failed, a business that went under, a grade that you didn’t make. The list could go on.


Bobby Stafford

December 29,  2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Marriage is Honorable
Text: Genesis 2:18-24
Marriage is a sacred institution because it came from God Himself. As Hebrews 13:4 proclaims, “Marriage is honorable among all.” Even Jesus performed His first miracle at a wedding ceremony. We can learn much by looking at the very first wedded couple. (Genesis 2:18-24)


Bobby Stafford

December 22,  2013
Sunday PM Sermon

If A Man Dies, Shall He Live Again?
The patriarch Job suffered as few men ever did. He lost all his possessions in one day. (Job 1:13-16) He lost his seven sons, three daughters, and his servants. (Job 1:17-19) His body was covered with painful boils. (Job 2:7-8) Then three of his friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, came to mourn and comfort him. But they basically claimed that all of his pain and suffering were the result of his sin. (Job 11:5-6) It is in the midst of his response to Zophar that he asks the question, “If a man dies, shall he live again?” (Job 14:14)


Bobby Stafford

December 22,  2013
Sunday AM Sermon

God's Steadfast Love

“Hallelujah” That’s how Psalm 106 both begins and ends. Praise the Lord! This Psalm well illustrates God’s steadfast love for His people in the face of their repeated unfaithfulness. Text: Psalm 106



Bobby Stafford

December 15,  2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Keeping Close to God

What kind of person does God welcome into His house? This one is truly blessed as Psalm 65:4 proclaims. Our text, Psalm 15, is considered to be a psalm of David. Within these five short verses, he describes how one keeps close to God. Text: Psalm 15

Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

December 8,  2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Prove All Things

I Thessalonians 5:21 proclaims, “Prove all things. Hold fast to that which is good.” It’s imperative that we are able to show to others in God’s Word what we believe and why. Some people ignorantly claim that you can prove anything by the Bible. Such is not true. Certainly there are people who have perverted and abased God’s Word and handled it deceitfully throughout the years. (II Corinthians 4:2) But there are things which can be proven by the Bible.

Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

December 1,  2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Our Eyes Are On You

Have you ever found yourself in what looked like a hopeless situation? Jehoshaphat, King of Judah, knew what it meant to face overwhelming odds. His choice, and God’s response, teaches us several lessons about what to do in difficult circumstances.

Text: II Chronicles 20:1-30



Bobby Stafford

December 1,  2013
Sunday AM Sermon


Imitate What is Good

Christians are encouraged throughout the New Testament to follow what is good and shun the evil.  In the short epistle of III John, we are given examples of both the good and the evil.

Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

November 24,  2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Choose Life

Some choices we make are over and done with.  We choose to eat a hamburger for lunch as opposed to a salad.  Other choices are ones where we must continue to choose because our choice requires constant attention.  Choosing to raise a family involves countless choices throughout life.  Choosing to go to heaven and be with God is the type of decision that requires daily choices.

In Deuteronomy 30, God is going back over the covenant with the children of Israel.  He is reminding them of the importance of choosing life, life with Jehovah.  Read Deuteronomy 30:11-20.

Text:  Deuteronomy 30:11-20



Bobby Stafford

November 17,  2013
Sunday AM Sermon

A Thankful Heart

Read Luke 17:11-19. In the Bible, leprosy is a broad term for a variety of infectious skin diseases. A modern disease that would probably be similar is “Hansen’s Disease” which is spread by multiple skin contacts as well as nasal secretions. Some of the symptoms of leprosy included disfigurement of skin and bones, twisting of limbs, curling of fingers, tumor-like growths [lepromos], and loss of pain sensation.

In the Bible, lepers were the true “untouchables.” They were to live in isolation as outcasts. (Numbers 5:2-3, Leviticus 13:45-46) The leper had to make it clear that people were to avoid him. He lived a terrible life.

This text provides us with several lessons that today we need to take to heart.




Bobby Stafford

November 17,  2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Jesus and the Psalms

The books of the Old Testament contain many passages about the coming Messiah with prophecies which have been fulfilled by Jesus Christ. The Psalms in particular refer numerous times to the Messiah. Jesus specifically proclaimed that the Psalms spoke of Him. (Luke 24:44) “Then He said to them, These are the words which I spoke to you while I was still with you, that all things must be fulfilled which were written in the Law of Moses and the Prophets and the Psalms concerning Me.” NKJV This lesson will examine several prophecies from the Psalms about the Messiah and how they were fulfilled by Christ.



Bobby Stafford

November 10,  2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Our Incredible World

Dr. Jason Lisle wrote:  “When the Voyager I spacecraft reached the edge of our solar system in 1990, it turned its camera around and photographed Earth.  From such a tremendous distance, the Earth appears as a tiny bluish-white grain of sand lost in an ocean of black.  This famous image of Earth is named the Pale Blue Dot.  From a secular perspective, that is all Earth is – a tiny bit of rock and water in a vast and meaningless universe of chance.  But in the Christian worldview, this pale blue dot is the most important planet in the universe.

We will now look at a few of the incredible designs we see in our world, so that life can exist.



Bobby Stafford

November 10,  2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Seeing the Grace of God

When Barnabas comes to Antioch, he “sees the grace of God.”  What exactly did he see?  But first, what is grace Grace is often translated as “unmerited favor.”          Grace is an undeserved blessing; a favor or kindness shown without regard to merit or worth of the recipient.         Vine’s Dictionary includes the idea that grace bestows pleasure and delight; also loving kindness and goodwill.         Also inherit in the word is the idea of loveliness and agreeableness.

Text:  Acts 11:19-23



Bobby Stafford The Walls Came Tumbling Down Obedience


Bobby Stafford

October 27, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

The Genealogy of the Messiah

People are very interested in genealogies.  They want to know who their ancestors were and how they lived.  Some want to know if they are descendants of royalty.  Genealogies were very important in Biblical times as well.  William Barclay, in his commentary on Matthew, wrote:  “The reason for this interest in pedigrees was that the Jews set the greatest possible store on purity of lineage.  If in any man there was the slightest admixture of foreign blood, he lost his right to be called a Jew and a member of the people of God.”

The Scriptures place much emphasis on the genealogy of Jesus Christ.  (Hebrews 7:14)



Bobby Stafford

October 17, 2013

A Sermon in the Temple

The prophet Jeremiah was a true preacher of God’s Word.  We find him standing in the gate, at the entrance of the temple.  His message comes directly from the Lord, “thus says the Lord.”  He tries to persuade God’s people to change their minds, their attitudes.  He wants them to make a decision about their future.  (Jeremiah 7:1-15)



Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

October 13, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Can a Christian Fall From Grace?

The title of this lesson is answered “No” by multitudes throughout the world.  But is that true?  The only reliable answer comes from God’s Word. Let’s first note Ezekiel 18:20-24.  “The soul who sins shall die.  The son shall not bear the guilt of the father, nor the father bear the guilt of the son.  The righteousness of the righteous shall be upon himself, and the wickedness of the wicked shall be upon himself.  But if a wicked man turns from all his sins which he has committed, keeps all My statutes, and does what is lawful and right, he shall surely live; he shall not die.  None of the transgressions which he has committed shall be remembered against him; because of the righteousness which he has done, he shall live.  Do I have any pleasure at all that the wicked should die?  says the Lord God, and not that he should turn from his ways and live?  But when a righteous man turns away from his righteousness and commits iniquity, and does according to all the abominations that the wicked man does, shall he live?  All the righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; because of the unfaithfulness of which he is guilty and the sin which he has committed, because of them he shall die.”  NKJV



Bobby Stafford

October 13, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

The Reign of King Jehoiakim

It was the waning days of the nation of Judah. Their last great king, Josiah, was dead. In his place his son, Jehoiakim began to reign. Read II Kings 23:36-37. “Jehoiakim was twenty-five years old when he became king, and he reigned eleven years in Jerusalem. His mother’s name was Zebudah the daughter of Pedaiah of Rumah. And he did evil in the sight of the Lord, according to all that his fathers had done.” NKJV Our aim is to see what evil he practiced and to see what we can learn from his life.

Character Study


Bobby Stafford

October 6, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

The Life of Joseph

Life is not perfect. Bad things happen to good people. Everybody makes mistakes, bad choices. The question is: “Can God bring good out of these?” Yes, He can! Read Romans 8:28. “And we know that all things work together for good to those who love God, to those who are the called according to His purpose.” NKJV This is clearly seen in the life of the Old Testament character, Joseph. It’s to his life we now turn our attention.

Character Study

Bobby Stafford

September 29, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

I Am

The apostle John wrote his gospel to persuade people to believe that Jesus was the Son of God.  (John 20:30-31)  From the opening verses, he declares that Jesus is truly God.  Throughout the gospel, Jesus claims divinity by the use of “I Am” statements.  It is to these we now turn our attention.


Bobby Stafford

September 29, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Can I Know I'm Saved

Anyone concerned with eternity is concerned with the answer to the question:  “Can I know I’m saved?”  People typically choose one of two sources:  One’s feelings and God’s Word.  Which is correct?


Bobby Stafford

September 22, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

A Purchase of Hope

“Hope is a good thing.”  Andy tells Red in the movie, Shawshank Redemption.  The prophet Jeremiah declared, “Blessed is the man who trusts in the Lord, and whose hope is the Lord.”  (Jeremiah 17:7-8)  Even though he is often called “The Weeping Prophet,” he still had a message of hope for the people of his day.  (Jeremiah 30:2-3)  The 32nd Chapter of Jeremiah tells that God told him to buy a field which turned out to be a “purchase of hope.”


Bobby Stafford

September 22, 2013
Sunday AM Bible Study

Being Baptized With Fire

Much is heard on the radio and television about the need to be baptized with fire.  Some religious groups include that phrase in their name.  But what does the Bible say about the baptism of fire?  And is it something that we should do?


Bobby Stafford

September 22, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

A Faithful Minister

Each of us has been entrusted with the precious gospel.  The Lord expects us to be faithful stewards or managers of it.  But what does it mean for us to be faithful ministers?  Paul answers that question in II Corinthians 4:1-4.



David Hersey

September 15, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Freedom Through Bondage

There is a growing belief among many in the Lord's church that our freedom in Christ equates to freedom to live as we see fit.  The belief that strict obedience to God's will is unnecessary is gaining an ever increasing following.  I have had discussions with denominational people who have said they believe that strict obedience to the will of God is too burdensome.  One of the arguments they use is that through the gospel, we have freedom in Christ and that this freedom releases us from God's law.  The wording they use to promote this is deceiving.   They say that our salvation in Christ is by grace through faith and that Christians have been set free from the bondage of law.  Well, in the proper context, that is a true statement.  However, that statement is used to promote the idea that strict observance to God's law is no longer necessary under the gospel.   We have been set free from the bondage of the old law of Moses.  We are not set free from the law of God as some are promoting.  The purpose of this lesson is to examine what true freedom in Christ really is and what one must do in order to be truly free in Christ.  

Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

September 1, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Giving God Your Best

You hear a lot about giving your best; giving your best on your job, in school, on the athletic field.  Did you know that God wants your best in worship?  He’s always wanted His people to give their best.  They haven’t always done it, though.

Text:  Malachi 1:6-14

Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

September 1, 2013
Sunday AM Bible Study

The Ten Commandments Pt 2  (Studies from Deuteronomy) Deuteronomy


Bobby Stafford

September 1, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

The End of Evolution

In the year, 1859, The Origin of Species by Charles Darwin was published.  The world has not been the same since!  His theory claims that all life came about by blind chance, by accident, and we’re not created by a super-natural being.  And through the years, life became more and more complex.



Bobby Stafford

August 25, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Choosing The Right Church

When one goes looking for a car to buy, the choice may be based upon many factors:  cost, size, gas mileage, style, function. . .  When one goes looking for a church, how should the choice be made?  Upon what grounds should you choose?



Bobby Stafford

August 25, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

A Culture Gone Wrong

Our culture is changing rapidly and not in the right direction.  Our society is getting further and further away from God. So how do we, as God’s people, live in a culture gone wrong?  An excellent example of someone doing that very thing is Job.  Read Job 1:1-8.  We see his steadfastness, service, and separation while living in a culture gone wrong.

Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

August 18, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Israel Came To The Mountain

It took Israel three months to reach Mt. Sinai.  (Exodus 19:1-2)  They had witnessed God deliver them out of Egypt; they had seen the ten plagues; they saw the Red Sea parted; they had bitter water turned into sweet; and bread rained down from heaven during that three months.  The nation encamped here for about eleven months.  (Numbers 10)  This account points back to what God said in Exodus 3:12.  Jehovah reminded the people of His great care for them.  (Exodus 19:3-4)  Eagles’ wings denote strength and power.  (Deuteronomy 32:10-12)  Three very important things are revealed while Israel is encamped at Mt. Sinai.

Text:  Exodus 19:1-25

Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

August 18, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

A Trustworthy Saying

Read Luke 2:8-15.  Note that the shepherds did not say, “Let’s go see if this has happened.”  They knew the angels’ announcement was a trustworthy saying.

Text:  II Timothy 2:11-13

Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

August 11, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Situation Ethics

Do right and wrong depend upon the situation?  Some people say “Yes”.  Does the end justify the means?  Again, some would say “Yes”.  In the mid sixties Joseph Fletcher wrote a book titled Situation Ethics in which he set forth his belief that acts like lying, stealing, adultery can be good and acceptable.  Unfortunately, that belief is practiced by many in our society including some religious people who claim that Jesus Himself taught this in Matthew 12:1-8.  So, did Jesus’ disciples break the Law of Moses?  Did Jesus defend and excuse the sins of the disciples?  Can we set aside God’s law in an emergency situation?  The only way to know the answers to these important questions is to examine God’s Word, especially our text in Matthew.

Text:  Matthew 12:1-8

Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

August 11, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

The Meaning of Life

People from all walks of life are searching for meaning in their lives.  What’s it all about, they ask?  Why are we here?  How can I find happiness and contentment?  They look under every rock, so to speak.  Knowing the answer is out there; they continue to search.  They note each new religion, new philosophy, new life style

Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

August 4, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

The King of Glory

Read Psalm 24.  These words of David assert that the God who created the earth and owns everything on it is the same God into whose presence the worshipper enters.  This God is the King of Glory!  The apostle Paul, in I Corinthians 2:8; refers to Jesus as the “Lord of Glory.”  For such He is!  Jesus, the King of Glory, entered Jerusalem on a Sunday nearly 2,000 years ago.  It’s to that event we now turn our attention.

Text:  Matthew 21:1-17



Bobby Stafford

August 4, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Add to Your Faith

Most of us here today would say that addition is the easiest part of math.  God’s Word speaks of the importance and necessity of addition.
Text: II Peter 1:1-9


Bobby Stafford

July 27, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

The Light of God's Word

A star is a marvel of creation.  It has a core temperature of millions of degrees and releases massive amounts of energy.  Our sun is a star and releases about 70,000 horsepower per square yard.  The Bible mentions several stars and constellations:  The Bear (Arcturus), Orion, and Pleiades.  (Job 9:9)  Scripture informs us that Jehovah created the stars on Day 4 to give light on the earth.  (Genesis 1:16-19)



Bobby Stafford

July 27, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Jesus Weeps Over Jerusalem

Jesus was to be a man of sorrows.  (Isaiah 53:3)  The New Testament records three instances when He wept:  At the tomb of Lazarus (John 11:35); when He prayed (Hebrews 5:7); and at the sight of Jerusalem (Luke 19:41-44) What made Jesus weep over Jerusalem?



Bobby Stafford

July 21, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Spiritual Morality

When we hear the word adultery, our minds immediately register sin.  And so it should, for adultery is sin, a transgression of God’s law. 

However, there is another kind of adultery, which we do not take seriously enough in our teaching.  That is spiritual adultery.  But the consequences of an unrepentant spiritual adulterer, carries the same consequences as physical adultery.

Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

July 21, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Phillip – A Soul Winner

When God sent orders to Philip to leave Samaria and go down the road that led from Jerusalem unto Gaza, Philip was obedient.  (Acts 8:26-27)  The Bible says, “He arose and went.”  Philip obeyed God without question.  If we are going to be effective soul winners like Philip, we, too, must be submissive.  We must, at all times and at all cost, be willing to do what “God wants us to do; and not what we want to do.  However, at times this is very difficult for many of us.


Bobby Stafford

July 14, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Following Afar Off

“And they that had laid hold on Jesus led Him away to Caiaphas the high priest, where the scribes and the elders were assembled.  But Peter followed Him afar off. . .”  Matthew 26:57-58

Following afar off is just as serious a danger for us as it was for Peter.  There are Christians today, once committed to Jesus Christ, who are even now following afar off.   What should I look for to see if I am following afar off?

Christian Living

Bobby Stafford

July 14, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

The Word Was God

Read John 1:1.  This is the beginning of the prologue to John’s account of the gospel which ends at Verse 18.  The prologue summarizes how the “Word” which was with God in the beginning came into the world and became the Jesus of history.

Jesus Christ

Bobby Stafford

July 7, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

The Beauty and Function of Unity

We speak often and of necessity concerning the need to protect the unity for which our Lord prayed so fervently and for which He gave His life.  We challenge those doctrines and practices that threaten it.  We work to preserve it.  We refuse to stand aside when doctrines that have not originated with Jesus Christ threaten to destroy it.



Bobby Stafford

June 23, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Our Wonderful God

In our busy day-to-day lives, we can get so caught up in the things of this world that we forget to focus on our wonderful God.  Distractions come from all directions:  job, family, house, sports, entertainment, friends. . .  But we must take time to think about God and who He is.  This lesson is a basic reminder of what our God is like.



Bobby Stafford

June 23, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

God Created

Those who have had the privilege of growing up listening to the great accounts of God’s creation are truly blessed.  The power to command material things to come into existence out of nothing is beyond our ability to fully grasp.  We do indeed worship an awesome God!

But the physical material of our world is not the only “stuff” He has created.  The Bible speaks of other created things and it is to these we turn our attention.



Bobby Stafford

June 16, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

The Sword of the Spirit

Swords have played an important role in several battles throughout history.  The Roman sword was the gladius, a fearsome weapon in close range combat.  Its tapered point could pierce even heavy metal armor.

The apostle Paul describes the Christian armor in Ephesians 6.  All but one are defensive pieces.  The only offensive one is the sword of the Spirit.          (Ephesians 6:17)



Bobby Stafford

June 16, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

We Will All Be Changed
I Corinthians Chapter 15 is an inspiring chapter.  It is often called the “Resurrection” chapter and such it is.  Throughout this chapter, the reader is reminded that he will live because Jesus lives. Song:  “Because He Lives”   Because Jesus was resurrected, so will we.  I Corinthians15:50-58 provides encouragement for the Christian.

Text:  I Corinthians 15:50-58



Travis Main

June 11, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Amos Amos

Travis Main

June 11, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Jonah Jonah

David Hersey

June 2, 2013

The Lord's Day Worship (Worship Assemblies)

One of the saddest situations that a spiritual person can contemplate is a congregation engaged in a strife, particularly in a time when it ought to be united against the growing forces of evil that threaten the stability of society and the welfare of our families. The grim reality is, however, it always will be the case that “some people” make “big issues” of “non-issues.”


David Hersey

May 26, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Saved By Grace Through Faith (Eph 2:8-10)

These are the words of Paul in his letter to Gentile Christians living and worshipping in or near the city of Ephesus which was located in Asia Minor.   Many people who lived in the first century and today point to this verse as the proof text of salvation by faith alone.   Did Paul mean that when he wrote this to the Ephesians or was he trying to teach them something else?  And if so, what was he trying to tell them?  In other words, what did Paul mean when he wrote what he did in Eph 2:8-10?  This lesson is going to examine that in detail and at the conclusion of it, we will make some applications from it to our faith as well.  After all, what it meant to Paul's readership in the first century is what it must mean to us today. 



David Hersey Obedience Part 3 What Do We Obey?    
Travis Main

May 12, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Happy Mother's Day Mother's Day

Travis Main

May 12, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

The Sons of God
David Hersey

May 12, 2013
Sunday AM Bible Study

Obedience Part 1  (Old Testament) Obedience


Bobby Stafford

May 5, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Response to Truth

At the end of Paul’s sermon on Mars Hill in Athens, the listeners responded to the truth of his message in three different ways.  (Acts 17:32-34)  People haven’t changed in the past 1900 years.  Those responses to the truth of the gospel are still seen.

Unfortunately, many Christians today believe we should “tone down” our message so as not to offend.  It is not our responsibility to make sure that people never feel troubled or uncomfortable when the truth is presented.  The Scriptures make clear that the gospel will trouble people today just like it did in the first century.

What kinds of people will be troubled when the truth is presented?

Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

May 5, 2013
Sunday AM Bible Study

Atonement Atonement

Bobby Stafford

May 5, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Promises of God

Scripture is filled with the promises of God.   (II Peter 1:2-4)  The child of God can go to God’s Word whenever and find peace, comfort, and joy from these promises.  Let’s examine some of these now.

Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

April 27, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

True Wisdom Is

Read Proverbs 2:1-5.  We see three words that are essentially the same:  wisdom, understanding, and discernment.  This is the ability to judge properly; tell right from wrong; reason correctly from the available evidence.  The familiar account of King Solomon judging in I Kings 3 tells of two women, both of whom claimed to be the mother of the boy infant.  (Tell the story.)  This is an example of wise judgment; proper discernment.

Theme of Lesson:    To discover from the Scripture who the wise man really is.  Read Ecclesiastes 8:1.

Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

April 27, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

A Song of Hope
While the world sees hope as a wish or desire, the child of God's view of hope is "A deep settled confidence that God will keep His promises." (Jeremiah 17:7) The Word of God is a great source of hope for the believer. Our text today, Psalm 27, reveals why we should have hope. It has been called "A Song of Hope."
Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

April 21, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

He is Risen
The patriarch Job suffered as few men ever did. He lost all his possessions in one day. (Job 1:13-16) He lost his seven sons, three daughters, and his servants. (Job 1:17-19) His body was covered with painful boils. (Job 2:7-8) Then three of his friends, Eliphaz, Bildad, and Zophar, came to mourn and comfort him. But they basically claimed that all of his pain and suffering were the result of his sin. (Job 11:5-6) It is in the midst of his response to Zophar that he asks the question, "If a man dies, shall he live again?" (Job 14:14)


Bobby Stafford

April 21, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Perilous Times Shall Come
Paul knew the difficulties that Timothy, his “son in the faith,” would experience as a gospel preacher.  So he told him to “be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus.”   (II Timothy 2:1).  While the apostle was in prison and facing death, he warned Timothy that perilous times will come.   (II Timothy 3:1)  “Perilous” means difficult, stressful, and even fierce.   Timothy needed to brace himself for tough times ahead.  Upholding the truth and standing for the right would bring opposition and suffering.  So, what would these perilous times look like?
Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

April 7, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Began to Make Excuses
Text:  Luke 14:15-24
We live in a day and time when all around us are failing to take responsibility for their actions.  We make excuses for what is done or not done.  We believe some behavior is excused due to the environment in which we live.  It is “society’s fault!”  People have been making excuses for centuries.
Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

April 7, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Fifteen Periods of Bible History
It can be easy to get confused about the chronology of the Bible events.  Did Nehemiah live before Job?  Did Isaiah live before or after the Babylonian captivity?  How many years lapsed between the prophecies of Malachi and the coming of John the Baptist?  These questions can be more easily answered by breaking up Biblical history into fifteen periods.  This will help us become much better students of God’s Word and better understand God’s plan of redemption. [This division is not original with me, but I cannot find the person who first presented this separation.  It is one that helps my study.]



Travis Anderson

April 1, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Easter Resurrection


Bobby Stafford

April 1, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Many Infallible Proofs

Do Christians have good reasons for believing that Jesus actually rose from the dead? Listen to the following:



Bobby Stafford

March 10, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

The End of All Things is Near

Yes, indeed, the end is near!  The end of the Christian age is near.  It was near in the first century and it’s near in the twenty-first as well.  Because this is true, how should we act?  Should we make more specific predictions about the coming of Christ?  Should we go hide in a cave?  We should do exactly what the apostle Peter told his first century readers to do.

Text:  I Peter 4:7

End Times


Bobby Stafford

March 3, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Becoming A Disciple

When Jesus told the apostles in Matthew 28:19 to “make disciples of all the nations,” what was He telling them to do?  When He told them in Matthew 10:24 that “a disciple is not above his teacher,” what was He trying to get them to understand?  So in this lesson we want to examine what it means to be a disciple of Jesus.  The rewards are too great to lose.  (John 12:26)

Bobby Stafford

March 3, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Comfort Those Who Grieve

The Bible is a source of tremendous comfort to those who are grieving or suffering.  Listen to the following words of the Apostle Paul.  (II Corinthians 1:3-7)  He consoles us in our pain as we draw from His comfort and share it with others in pain.  There are always hurting hearts.

Bobby Stafford

February 24, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

The Need for Church Discipline

“Does church discipline have a place in the body of Christ today?”  The answer is a most definite “Yes!” While this is certainly a difficult subject, it is very needed in the church.  So why is church discipline needed?

Church Discipline


Bobby Stafford

 February 17, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

The Need for Sound Doctrine

The older one gets, the more he/she is concerned about the condition of their heart.  We will have various medical tests performed that measure the physical health of our heart.  Our desire is to hear the doctor say, “Your heart is in good shape; it’s very sound.”  So what did the Apostle Paul tell Titus was needed for one to be “sound in the faith?”

Text:  Titus 1:9-14

Bobby Stafford

 February 17, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Caleb Followed the Lord Fully

Recall the story of the twelve spies sent to spy out the land of Canaan.  (Numbers 13:1-2)  They brought back both good news and bad news.  Caleb, one of the twelve spies, tried to encourage the people.

 But ten spies with their discouraging report caused the people to groan and weep.  Caleb and Joshua knew they could take the land with the Lord’s help.  The people didn’t believe Caleb and Joshua; so they spent forty years wandering in the wilderness.  Caleb and Joshua were spared. What Does It Mean to Follow the Lord Fully?

Bobby Stafford

February 3, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Bible Contradictions

You may have heard, “The Bible is filled with contradictions.”  Scripture has been attacked in this manner for centuries.  Many believe these accusations because they have heard them so often.

What is a contradiction?  One way to look at it is this:  “A thing cannot both be and not be, taken in the same sense and at the same time.”  For example, a thing cannot be both a door and not a door, taken in the same sense and at the same time.  Baptism, for a penitent believer, cannot both be necessary for salvation and not necessary for salvation.  If the Bible claimed that both statements were true, then we would have a real contradiction.




Bobby Stafford

February 3, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

Signs of the Times (Abortion)

No doubt we live in troubling times.  We look out and see signs that our world is drifting further and further away from God.  What are these signs?

  • A Low View of Human Life
  • The Acceptance of Homosexuality
  • The Crisis of the Family


Bobby Stafford

January 27, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Teaching the Unbeliever

The Power of One.  Since our efforts can result in great good being done for the Kingdom, where should I begin in teaching the lost?  One writer, Berry Kercheville, suggests three principles that need to be understood by the unbeliever at the beginning.

  • The Old Testament Covenant Has Come To An End
  • We Cannot Add To, Take Away From, or In Any Way Change What God Has Said Without Being Condemned
  • The Plan of Salvation Includes Baptism


Bobby Stafford

January 27, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

What Is This

Everybody likes a good treasure story.  The story of the discovery of the Law in the Temple during Josiah’s renovation is about as good as they come; because God’s Word is a treasure that is priceless.

Text:  II Kings 22-23





Bobby Stafford

  January 20, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

Turning Away from God

God’s people were led out of Egyptian captivity by the hand of God.  But something happened on the way to the Promised Land.  Hebrews 3:7-11  Their hearts were hardened and they turned away from God.  One can fall away today as they did.  The Hebrew writer continues on in the next three verses and tells us how to avoid this great tragedy. Text:  Hebrews 3:12-14

Take Care
Exhort One Another
Remain Firm to the End



Bobby Stafford

January 20, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

The Righteous

As children of God, we understand ours is a sinful society.  The solution to our society’s problems lies not in entertainment, pleasure, or pop psychology; but in the gospel of Jesus Christ.  (Romans 1:16-17)  Since “righteousness exalts a nation; but sin is a reproach to any people.” (Proverbs 14:34) We need to come to an understanding of what righteousness truly is.

I.  The Meaning of Righteousness

II. Must Exceed that of Scribes and Pharisees

III. Must Hunger and Thirst after Righteousness


Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

February 10, 2013

The Lukewarm Christian

First Lukewarm Church of the Apathetic.  “Nothing too boring, nothing too exciting.  We want it to fit into our American Culture Christianity.  No songs too slow, no songs too fast.  Nothing from the ancient songs and nothing after the 70s.”  Nothing ever challenging.  We want encouragement and comfort.”

I. The lukewarm man feels he does a great and marvelous thing by making it to the church service.

II. The lukewarm person gives God the left-overs, not the first fruits. 

III.  The lukewarm man lets Jesus control part of his life, not all of it. 

IV. The lukewarm person loves himself and this world more than other people and heavenly things. 


Christian Living


Bobby Stafford

January 6, 2013
Sunday AM Sermon

The Inerrant Word of God

Why should the Bible be trusted?  Very simply the answer is because its author is Jehovah God!  (II Timothy 3:16) We know that the Bible is “inspired”, “God breathed.”  How much of the Scripture is inspired?  All Scripture and every Scripture is a product of God.

I.  The Bible’s Portrayal of God

II. The Bible’s claim of Its Truthfulness

III. The Bible’s Use of Itself




Bobby Stafford

January 6, 2013
Sunday PM Sermon

The Abominations of the Canaanites

An abomination is something that causes extreme disgust or loathing; something repugnant or shameful, detestable.  These are very strong words but ones our God used to describe what the Canaanites commonly practiced.  These practices were all used by the Canaanites to know the future.  Israel was to rely instead upon God’s revealed will.

I. What Were These Abominations?

II. What Would God Do About It?

III. Who Was the Prophet He Would Raise Up?




Bobby Stafford

Dec, 2012
Sunday PM Sermon


A Look Ahead

2012 is drawing to a close and 2013 is knocking at our door.  We are one year closer to leaving this earthly realm.  Before we start thinking about the future, let us ask ourselves two very important questions.    Have I drawn closer to God through His Word and prayer?  (James 4:8)  Have I set a good example to the world?  (Matthew 5:13-16)


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Library of church of Christ Sermons and Outlines

What Must I Do To Be Saved?

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The Sermons, Sermon Outlines, Bulletin Articles and Bible Studies published in this website are from sound members of the church of Christ and are free to everyone.  We feel the price was paid when Jesus died on the cross.   Please feel free to use any of the content found within this website for the spreading of the Gospel to all. 

Matt 11:28-29
"Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls."

The church of Christ in Granby Missouri

516 East Pine St.
P.O. Box 664
Granby, Mo. 64844
(417) 472-7109

Email: Bobby Stafford
Email: David Hersey