Granby Church of Christ
Sermon Outlines & Lessons 2020


Sermon/Lesson Title


Bobby Stafford

December 20, 2020

Racism & Prejudice

history is filled with accounts of people being discriminated against due to race, skin color, religious beliefs, and gender... Prejudice is nothing new in this world. As Christians, God's people, how should we view this? What does God's word say?


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Bobby Stafford

November 15, 2020
Sunday AM Sermon

A Tale Of Two Cities

Genesis 19:24-25. "These verses describe the end of Sodom and Gomorrah when God brought judgment upon them and the surrounding cities.  But why did God do this?  In finding out, we will discover several truths from this tale of two cities.


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Bobby Stafford

October 29, 2020
Sunday AM Sermon

The Sin of Laziness

One of the dangers of modern life is rearing children to be lazy. No farming chores, no gardening.  We have dishwashers and clothes dryers, so many young people are raised with poor work habits. They spend time on useless pursuits. Many of these young people become lazy adults with little ambition. They believe the world owes them something. How does God feel about this? We can look at the parable of the talents in Matthew 25:26.  “You wicked and lazy servant.”


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Bobby Stafford

October 29, 2020
Sunday AM Sermon

The Order

If God had it his way, what would our churches look like? This is a question asked by Francis Chan in his book titled “Letters to the church”. God gave his order for the church, and multitudes have ignored it and\ or changed it. So that many churches today are very different from what god ordered!!!

Christian Living

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Bobby Stafford

October 12, 2020
Sunday AM Sermon

How Should I Pray?

Prayer connects us with the creator of the universe and helps us become closer to our heavenly father. Because of this, how should I pray? And are there things that can hinder my prayers?


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Bobby Stafford

October 12, 2020
Sunday AM Sermon

Why Should I Study The Bible?

Nothing is more important than knowing God's word and obeying it. Give yourself to diligent study of it. Remember the words of Peter and John 6: 68 “you have the word of eternal life.” 

Bible Study

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Bobby Stafford

Sunday AM Sermon
October 12, 2020

Abundant Embrace Christian Living

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Bobby Stafford

Sunday AM Sermon
October 12, 2020

How To Confess Your Sins Confession

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Bobby Stafford

October 6, 2020
Sunday AM Sermon

Uncertain Times

It's easy to forget who is truly in control in times of great turmoil. But we must remember that amid all the chaos, our God reigns. Jehovah is always in control. He always has been and always will be. There are no circumstances, situations, or crises outside of his rule. We may not understand God's plan, but our job is to trust. 

There is a powerful passage in the Book of Haggai that illustrates the unwavering control of our heavenly father. Who was Haggai? He was a prophet sent by God to deliver a message to Zerubbabel. Many of God's people had returned from captivity and were in Jerusalem rebuilding the temple. This message was essentially, “I am still in control.” 

Christian Living

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Bobby Stafford

Sunday AM Sermon
October 11, 2020

The Fallow Ground Christian Living

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Bobby Stafford

Sunday AM Sermon
October 11, 2020

The Death of Christ Jesus Christ

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Bobby Stafford

October 11, 2020
Sunday AM Sermon

Does God Really Exist?

The answer to the question: “does God exist?” Affects all other questions.  “If there is a supreme being then life has inherent purpose and some form of meaning.” Doctor Brad Harrub, PH. D. In anatomy and neurobiology from the University of Tennessee. 

Why should every right thinking, rational human being believe in the existence of a supreme being?


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Bobby Stafford

Sunday AM Sermon
January 26, 2020

Go Into All The World

Just before he ascended back to heaven, Jesus had one final instruction to impart to his disciples. He gave them his plan for spreading the gospel, good news, and making more disciples. This Final instruction, which Jesus gave his disciples before leaving earth and returning to heaven, is what is commonly called the Great Commission.

The text for our lesson today is Matthew 28:16-20.


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Bobby Stafford

Sunday AM Sermon
January 19, 2020

Amazing Grace

One of the most moving religious songs ever written. The lyrics were composed by John Newton, an English sea captain in the late 1700s. He spent much of his life on the sea. For many years, he led a very wicked life and eventually became captain of a slave ship. He captured natives in Africa and sold them at slave markets. A turning point in his life came on March 10th, 1748. A storm struck his slave ship, and everything appeared to be lost. His life was spared, and he began studying the Bible and other religious books. This experience led to a profound transformation in him. He eventually quit the slave business and became a preacher for an Anglican church. Many would come to hear how this formerly wicked, slave-trading sea captain changed his life.


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Bobby Stafford

Sunday AM Sermon
January 12, 2020

By What Authority

Jesus enters Jerusalem during the last week before his death. He cleanses the temple, heals the blind and the lame, and causes the fig tree to wither. While He was in the temple, the Jewish leaders asked him two questions. Question #1: What authority did he have to do these things? Question #2: who gave him that authority? Jesus replied, clarifying that there are only two possible sources for our religious practices: God or man. There are no other possibilities. sermon text Matthew 21: 23-27


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Bobby Stafford

Sunday AM Sermon
January 5, 2020

Are You Right With God? Christian Living

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